Sharing > EDP at external events
EDP at external events
We are contributing to a wide range of workshops, seminars and conferences to share learning from our project and inform policy and practice. Please contact us if you are interested in having us at one of your events.
Design Research for Change Showcase at the London Design Fair - EDP was one of the projects selected to illustrate the variety of outcomes and impacts produced by Design Research projects funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) over the last 10 years. Empowering Design Practices builds on the experience, tools and resources developed through a number of research projects funded by AHRC's Connected Communities programme since 2011, and delivered collaboratively by the Open University's Design Group and The Glass-House Community Led Design together with a range of partners from academia, practice, and communities. The exhibit at the Showcase offers glimpses of this collaborative research journey to and through Empowering Design Practices with methodologies, stories and voices from key points along the way.
Who Are We? at Tate Exchange at Tate Modern - as part of a cross-platform event reflecting on identity, belonging, migration and citizenship, we hosted a drop-in workshop on 24 May that explored Places for Connection - the everyday spaces in our communities where we feel a sense of welcome, belonging and connection. Participants built a wall of connected representations celebrating the social, faith and cultural spaces that connect communities, by creating and sharing their ideas, stories and experiences. The workshop was led by the core delivery team: the Open University's Design Group and The Glass-House Community Led Design. The Who Are We? project was run by Counterpoint Arts and the Open University, in association with Stance Podcast and the University of York. Read more on the blog.
Heritage Studies: Critical Approaches and New Directions Conference - organised by the AHRC Heritage Priority Area team, Dr Ruchit Purohit presented emerging evidence on how perceptions of heritage within communities that look after historic places of worship affect their decisions about the design and use of their religious buildings.
Health & Heritage conference - organised by the Churches Conservation Trust, Vera Hale hosted an interactive stand exploring how design affects the quality of spaces and how we respond to them.
Shared Spaces: the modern place of worship - debate at the University of Liverpool and organised by the Baroness Warsi Foundation in partnership with the Empowering Design Practices project, featuring EDP partner Sophia de Sousa from The Glass-House Community Led Design as a speaker. Read more on the blog.
More than Bricks and Stones: unlocking the potential of heritage - organised by the National Churches Trust, Dr Theo Zamenopoulos and Louise Dredge gave an interactive presentation on approaches to engaging people in design.
HRBA's Big Update - a one-day event organised by the Historic Religious Buildings Alliance (HRBA) at which Dr Katerina Alexiou gave a presentation on 'Approaches to supporting community-led design in historic places of worship', sharing project approaches and learning.
BRICK workshop - organised by The Prince's Regeneration Trust and the Churches Conservation Trust, Dr Katerina Alexiou, Vera Hale and Dr Ruchit Purohit ran an asset mapping workshop with attendees.
Connected Communities Heritage Network Symposium - Dr Ruchit Purohit presented a paper that shared insights from our research into completed projects to transform historic places of worship for wider community use.
Design Research for Change Showcase at the London Design Fair - EDP was one of the projects selected to illustrate the variety of outcomes and impacts produced by Design Research projects funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) over the last 10 years. Empowering Design Practices builds on the experience, tools and resources developed through a number of research projects funded by AHRC's Connected Communities programme since 2011, and delivered collaboratively by the Open University's Design Group and The Glass-House Community Led Design together with a range of partners from academia, practice, and communities. The exhibit at the Showcase offers glimpses of this collaborative research journey to and through Empowering Design Practices with methodologies, stories and voices from key points along the way.
Who Are We? at Tate Exchange at Tate Modern - as part of a cross-platform event reflecting on identity, belonging, migration and citizenship, we hosted a drop-in workshop on 24 May that explored Places for Connection - the everyday spaces in our communities where we feel a sense of welcome, belonging and connection. Participants built a wall of connected representations celebrating the social, faith and cultural spaces that connect communities, by creating and sharing their ideas, stories and experiences. The workshop was led by the core delivery team: the Open University's Design Group and The Glass-House Community Led Design. The Who Are We? project was run by Counterpoint Arts and the Open University, in association with Stance Podcast and the University of York. Read more on the blog.
Heritage Studies: Critical Approaches and New Directions Conference - organised by the AHRC Heritage Priority Area team, Dr Ruchit Purohit presented emerging evidence on how perceptions of heritage within communities that look after historic places of worship affect their decisions about the design and use of their religious buildings.
Health & Heritage conference - organised by the Churches Conservation Trust, Vera Hale hosted an interactive stand exploring how design affects the quality of spaces and how we respond to them.
Shared Spaces: the modern place of worship - debate at the University of Liverpool and organised by the Baroness Warsi Foundation in partnership with the Empowering Design Practices project, featuring EDP partner Sophia de Sousa from The Glass-House Community Led Design as a speaker. Read more on the blog.
More than Bricks and Stones: unlocking the potential of heritage - organised by the National Churches Trust, Dr Theo Zamenopoulos and Louise Dredge gave an interactive presentation on approaches to engaging people in design.
HRBA's Big Update - a one-day event organised by the Historic Religious Buildings Alliance (HRBA) at which Dr Katerina Alexiou gave a presentation on 'Approaches to supporting community-led design in historic places of worship', sharing project approaches and learning.
BRICK workshop - organised by The Prince's Regeneration Trust and the Churches Conservation Trust, Dr Katerina Alexiou, Vera Hale and Dr Ruchit Purohit ran an asset mapping workshop with attendees.
Connected Communities Heritage Network Symposium - Dr Ruchit Purohit presented a paper that shared insights from our research into completed projects to transform historic places of worship for wider community use.