EDP Resources > Explore design and key design tasks > Explore Design: Community Buildings
Explore Design: Community Buildings website
Drawing on our work with historic places of worship, as well as other community projects across the UK, we have developed a resource that can help anyone new to design approach community buildings through a design lens.
The Explore Design resource is a highly visual website that will help you to explore and understand the design of community buildings through ten themes: access, context, delight, enterprise, flexibility, identity, legibility, maintenance, resources and security. Under each theme, you can find a number of illustrated examples along with a set of questions to help you explore the theme in relation to your own building’s present and future.
Click here to visit the resource.
The Explore Design resource is a highly visual website that will help you to explore and understand the design of community buildings through ten themes: access, context, delight, enterprise, flexibility, identity, legibility, maintenance, resources and security. Under each theme, you can find a number of illustrated examples along with a set of questions to help you explore the theme in relation to your own building’s present and future.
Click here to visit the resource.