The EDP team was recently in Birmingham delivering a workshop on engaging communities in design decision-making. The workshop aimed to explore what community engagement in design means and why it is important, but also share best practice tips and resources to support those working on design projects in historic places of worship. We were fortunate to have a rich mix of participants on the day, community members as well as professionals who support such projects: architects, development officers, members of dioceses and funders.
We also shared some of our own observations and research findings and facilitated a workshop session on developing an engagement strategy, as well as a number of taster sessions introducing resources and tools to help with different aspects of the process, from how to use digital media in your design project, to how to structure your thinking and how to collect evidence from community engagement activities.
Click here to view the film on our youtube channel.
The event was also an opportunity to share a set of new resources. The resources are meant primarily for groups looking after historic places of worship, but can indeed be useful for any group thinking to embark in a design project, as well as design professionals. More resources are under development. We invite everyone to have a look, try out the materials and tools offered, pick and choose, adapt or expand them and share them in their networks. Our only request is to come back and talk to us about your experiences! Check out
A version of this blog was published in the Design@Open blog, available here.